
September 2024: Carlos Gontijo Rosa joins the lab as a visiting professor, working on computational discourse analysis. Welcome Carlos!

July 2024: Manju organises and runs a workshop on Exploring Narratives of Heatwaves in Nepal, as part of the GSI Annual Conference. Great job Manju!

July 2024: Ned and Aditi present at the International Conference on Social Media & Society, in London.

May 2024: Manju attends the Britain-Nepal Academic Council Conference, held in Edinburgh, Scotland, and the DATAMIG (Data Matters: Sociotechnical Challenges of European Migration and Border Control), in Greece.

May 2024: Emily, Ned, Francisco, Hubert, and Chico present at COMPTEXT 2024, the International Interdisciplinary Conference on the Quantitative and Computational Analysis of Text-, Image- and Video-as-Data, held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

April 2024: Chico got promoted to Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Exeter.

April 2024: Owen, Aditi, and Chico present at Complenet 2024, the International Conference on Complex Networks, held in Exeter this year.

March 2024: Chico, Ned, Francisco, and Emily join the newly-founded Centre for Climate Communication and Data Science (C3DS) at Exeter. Lots of good climate communications research to come!

March 2024: Chico is one of the six University of Exeter academics to secure a Turing Fellowship at the Alan Turing Institute. Congrats to all the new fellows!

March 2024: Aditi speaks at the Political Science Association (PSA) annual conference, in Glasgow, Scotland.

February 2024: Hubert visits Ewha Womans University, in Seoul, Korea, to give a talk on the digital dynamics of #MeToo, as part of their IEAS Special Lecture Series.

February 2024: Aditi joins GESIS as a visiting Junior Researcher, working with Claudia Wagner on the computational detection of benevolent and implicit forms of sexism.

January 2024: Owen presents his comparative analysis of scientific and everyday concept networks at NetSciX 2024, the signature winter conference of the Network Science Society, in Venice, Italy.

February 2024: Chico joins the Department of English Language and Literature at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, South Korea as a visiting professor.

January 2024: Kamila Szelag-Levine joins the lab. Welcome Kamila!

October 2023: Francisco Gonzalez, Ned Westwood, Thales David Domingues Aparecido and Marina Kawamura join the lab. Welcome all!

August 2023: Isaac Cheng received a Dean's Commendation for exceptional Academic Performance, and won the Computer Science Final Year Project Prize in 2022/2023. Congratulations Isaac!

August 2023: Cameron Stackhouse received a Dean’s Commendation for exceptional Academic Performance in 2022/2023. Congratulations Cameron!

June 2023: The Viu Política project's results are finally out, along with all data from the RegretsReporter projects! Coverage by Folha de São Paulo, Mozilla [1] [2] [3], and the University of Exeter.

May 2023: Our paper on the Bias in the arrival of variation can dominate over natural selection in Richard Dawkins' biomorphs is now on bioRxiv!

February 2023: Our paper on the Impact of network centrality and income on slowing infection spread after outbreaks is out on Applied Network Science.

November 2022: Our paper on Heritage site-seeing through the visitor's lens on Instagram is out on the Journal of Cultural Analytics!

November 2022: Congratulations to Kien Khuong for winning the MSc Academic Award for the student with the best overall score on a Computer Science MSc Programmme! Well done Kien!

October 2022: Manju Bura, Emily Robinson, Owen Saunders, and Luiz Neves join the lab. Welcome all!

October 2022: New project: the Viu Política project, led by the CC Lab, along with Instituto Vero and the Mozilla Foundation, will produce a crowdsourced map of Brazilian election coverage on YouTube. Coverage by Folha de São Paulo and the University of Exeter.

October 2022: Congratulations to Chico on winning the Bright Futures Award for Early Career Research Impact category at the University of Exeter's Knowledge Exchange Awards!

September 2022: New paper alert! Mis- and disinformation studies are too big to fail: Six suggestions for the field’s future, out on the HKS Misinformation Review.

September 2022: The second report of the Mozilla YouTube Regrets project is out! Coverage on Wired, Süddeutsche Zeitung, New York Times, and Sky News.

July 2022: Our conference paper on measuring news article similarity in multiple languages is out at SemEval 2022!

July 2022: Congratulations to Izzy Sebire for winning the Computer Science Final Year Project Prize! Well done Izzy!

June 2022: Hubert Au and Aditi Dutta presented their PhD work at the Politics and Computational Social Science (PaCSS) conference. Making the lab proud!

March 2022: Our paper on how symmetry and simplicity emerge from the algorithmic nature of evolution is out on PNAS!

February 2022: Japleen, Anis, Valeria, Kien, Tawhid, Peilin Du, Shubham, Camila, and Mohammad Ali join the lab. Welcome all!

December 2021: Coverage on the Exeter Research and Innovation blog: New research from the University of Exeter and Mozilla investigates 'YouTube Regrets'

October 2021: Poonam, Henry, Jamie, Matt, Ioan, Ruth, and Hubert join the lab. Welcome all!

September 2021: Our paper measuring the volatility of the political agenda in public opinion and news media is out on Public Opinion Quarterly!

September 2021: Congratulations to Ben Dennes for winning the MSc Academic Award for the student with the best overall score on a Computer Science MSc Programmme! Well done Ben!

August 2021: Coverage on the Washington Post: Social media algorithms determine what we see. But we can’t see them.

August 2021: Interview to Tech Policy Press: Evaluating the Efficacy of the Term "Infodemic"

July 2021: Coverage on TechCrunch: YouTube’s recommender AI still a horror show, finds major crowdsourced study.

July 2021: Coverage on Vanity Fair: Study: many youtube users regret what they’ve clicked on

July 2021: Coverage on The Verge: Mozilla’s RegretsReporter data shows YouTube keeps recommending harmful videos.

July 2021: Our paper on the "infodemic" metaphor is out on New Media & Society!

July 2021: The Mozilla YouTube Regrets Reporter is out, with a little help from the CC Lab!

July 2021: We've started a new research project on measuring change in the meaning of political terms over time, funded by Exeter's Institute for Data Science and AI. Stay tuned!

June 2021: Izzy Sebire joins the lab to work on the computational analysis of genre. Welcome Izzy!

June 2021: Kacper Łodziński joins the lab to work on natural language processing and news media. Welcome Kacper!

May 2021: Tom Bush joins the lab to work on time series analysis of news articles. Welcome!

May 2021: Jiayi Xu joins the lab to work on computational genre classification. Welcome!

May 2021: Dharmender Tathgur joins the lab to work on NLP and political speeches. Welcome!

February 2021: Ben Dennes and Jagjot Singh join the lab to work on networked narratives and framing detection. Welcome both!

February 2021: Wu Yudong joins the lab as a MSc student to study the construction of scientific knowledge during the COVID-19 pandemic. Welcome!

February 2021: Jaison John joins the lab as a MSc student. He will be working on document summarisation, being co-supervised by Alex Pavlides from Adarga AI. Welcome Jaison!

January 2021: Chico joins the University of Exeter and the CC Lab is born!