CC Lab

@ University of Exeter

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We are interested in understanding how
information is organised, used, and misused.

In our research, we develop new computational tools to study the media we produce and consume, the beliefs we hold, the language we use, as well as the opinions, ideas, and narratives we propagate, mixing data science with theories about human behaviour, culture, and society.

In this process, we draw a lot from computational social science, cultural analytics, complex systems, as well as from communication studies, sociology, psychology, and cultural evolution.

For more information, click the links below.

Some recent news

September 2024: Carlos Gontijo Rosa joins the lab as a visiting professor, working on computational discourse analysis. Welcome Carlos!

March 2024: Chico, Ned, Francisco, and Emily join the newly-founded Exeter Centre for Climate Communication and Data Science (C3DS).

February 2024: Chico joins the Department of English Language and Literature at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, South Korea as a visiting professor.

June 2023: The Viu Política project's results are finally out, along with all data from the RegretsReporter projects! Coverage by Folha de São Paulo, Mozilla [1] [2] [3], and the University of Exeter.

Previous news can be found in our news archive.